Canara Robeco MF Consumer Trends Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis Treasury Advtg Ret Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1011.8268
24-02-2025 1011.6337
21-02-2025 1012.4296
20-02-2025 1012.2346
18-02-2025 1011.7871
17-02-2025 1011.6337
14-02-2025 1012.2939
13-02-2025 1012.2011
12-02-2025 1011.9179
11-02-2025 1011.7954
10-02-2025 1011.6337
07-02-2025 1012.8135
06-02-2025 1012.8217
05-02-2025 1012.4302
04-02-2025 1011.8821
03-02-2025 1011.6337
31-01-2025 1012.4226
30-01-2025 1012.2435
29-01-2025 1012.0687
28-01-2025 1011.833
27-01-2025 1011.6337
24-01-2025 1012.2728
23-01-2025 1012.1103
22-01-2025 1012.0024
21-01-2025 1011.8309
20-01-2025 1011.6337
17-01-2025 1012.8749
16-01-2025 1012.5635
15-01-2025 1012.0961
14-01-2025 1011.6555
13-01-2025 1011.6337
10-01-2025 1012.0851
09-01-2025 1011.8989
08-01-2025 1011.7829
07-01-2025 1011.7687
06-01-2025 1011.6337
03-01-2025 1012.715
02-01-2025 1012.566
01-01-2025 1012.4255
31-12-2024 1012.1132
30-12-2024 1011.6337
27-12-2024 1012.299
26-12-2024 1012.0634
24-12-2024 1011.722
23-12-2024 1011.6337
20-12-2024 1012.1101
19-12-2024 1012.0219
18-12-2024 1012.052
17-12-2024 1011.8389
16-12-2024 1011.6337
13-12-2024 1011.9651
12-12-2024 1011.8865
11-12-2024 1011.7745
10-12-2024 1011.7045
09-12-2024 1011.6337
06-12-2024 1012.5536
05-12-2024 1012.4061
04-12-2024 1012.1479
03-12-2024 1011.8816
02-12-2024 1011.6337
30-11-2024 1012.4969
29-11-2024 1012.3111
28-11-2024 1011.9492
27-11-2024 1011.924
26-11-2024 1011.7737
25-11-2024 1011.6337
22-11-2024 1012.2316
21-11-2024 1012.095
19-11-2024 1011.8601
18-11-2024 1011.6337
14-11-2024 1012.2271
13-11-2024 1012.0275
12-11-2024 1011.8805
11-11-2024 1011.6337
08-11-2024 1012.6041
07-11-2024 1012.2889
06-11-2024 1011.9654
05-11-2024 1011.7872
04-11-2024 1011.6337
31-10-2024 1012.4277
30-10-2024 1012.1845
29-10-2024 1012.0018
28-10-2024 1011.6337
25-10-2024 1012.4602
24-10-2024 1012.2202
23-10-2024 1012.0123
22-10-2024 1011.6707
21-10-2024 1011.6337
18-10-2024 1012.0539
17-10-2024 1011.9733
16-10-2024 1011.7558
15-10-2024 1011.7452
14-10-2024 1011.6337
11-10-2024 1013.2835
10-10-2024 1012.6847
09-10-2024 1012.4629
08-10-2024 1011.9132
07-10-2024 1011.6337
04-10-2024 1012.7055
03-10-2024 1012.4883
01-10-2024 1012.0734
30-09-2024 1011.6337
27-09-2024 1012.7212
26-09-2024 1012.5745
25-09-2024 1012.2398
24-09-2024 1011.8042
23-09-2024 1011.6337
20-09-2024 1012.5758
19-09-2024 1012.3232
17-09-2024 1011.7504
16-09-2024 1011.6337
13-09-2024 1012.4871
12-09-2024 1012.1132
11-09-2024 1011.9961
10-09-2024 1011.788
09-09-2024 1011.6337
06-09-2024 1012.3749
05-09-2024 1012.2111
04-09-2024 1012.0638
03-09-2024 1011.8444
02-09-2024 1011.6337
31-08-2024 1012.4031
30-08-2024 1012.2045
29-08-2024 1012.1062
28-08-2024 1011.982
27-08-2024 1011.7882
26-08-2024 1011.6337
23-08-2024 1012.6019
22-08-2024 1012.3548
21-08-2024 1012.1073
20-08-2024 1011.8992
19-08-2024 1011.6337
16-08-2024 1012.2998
14-08-2024 1011.9418
13-08-2024 1011.8271
12-08-2024 1011.6337
09-08-2024 1012.3176
08-08-2024 1012.1633
07-08-2024 1011.9371
06-08-2024 1011.7664
05-08-2024 1011.6337
02-08-2024 1012.4343
01-08-2024 1012.1897
31-07-2024 1011.8768
30-07-2024 1011.7763
29-07-2024 1011.6337
26-07-2024 1012.6959
25-07-2024 1012.2933
24-07-2024 1012.0545
23-07-2024 1011.8233
22-07-2024 1011.6337
19-07-2024 1012.4902
18-07-2024 1012.3073
16-07-2024 1011.8952
15-07-2024 1011.6337
12-07-2024 1012.5219
11-07-2024 1012.286
10-07-2024 1011.974
09-07-2024 1011.8058
08-07-2024 1011.6337
05-07-2024 1012.734
04-07-2024 1012.5331
03-07-2024 1012.2487
02-07-2024 1011.982
01-07-2024 1011.6337
28-06-2024 1012.4051
27-06-2024 1012.086
26-06-2024 1011.9563
25-06-2024 1011.825
24-06-2024 1011.6337
21-06-2024 1012.3535
20-06-2024 1012.1266
19-06-2024 1011.8933
18-06-2024 1011.6337
14-06-2024 1012.5075
13-06-2024 1012.3171
12-06-2024 1012.1162
11-06-2024 1011.9042
10-06-2024 1011.6337
07-06-2024 1012.1839
06-06-2024 1011.8711
05-06-2024 1011.5349
04-06-2024 1011.3492
03-06-2024 1011.6337
31-05-2024 1012.1316
30-05-2024 1011.936
29-05-2024 1011.8301
28-05-2024 1011.6655
27-05-2024 1011.6337
24-05-2024 1012.3456
22-05-2024 1011.9396
21-05-2024 1011.6337
17-05-2024 1012.6378
16-05-2024 1012.4928
15-05-2024 1012.2779
14-05-2024 1011.9906
13-05-2024 1011.6337
10-05-2024 1012.1577
09-05-2024 1011.9499
08-05-2024 1011.8414
07-05-2024 1011.7949
06-05-2024 1011.6337
03-05-2024 1012.4854
02-05-2024 1012.2621
30-04-2024 1011.7871
29-04-2024 1011.6337
26-04-2024 1012.2676
25-04-2024 1012.0938
24-04-2024 1011.9982
23-04-2024 1011.8883
22-04-2024 1011.6337
19-04-2024 1012.0971
18-04-2024 1012.1451
16-04-2024 1011.8113
15-04-2024 1011.6337
12-04-2024 1012.5313
10-04-2024 1012.2966
08-04-2024 1011.6337
05-04-2024 1012.6503
04-04-2024 1012.2447
03-04-2024 1011.8718
02-04-2024 1011.6337
31-03-2024 1013.2056
28-03-2024 1012.631
27-03-2024 1011.7214
26-03-2024 1011.6337

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